Dr. Bernard Tutu-Boahene
Doctoral Degree: PhD in Marketing
Period of Study: August 2013 – July 2018
Awarding Institution: University of Ghana, Accra
Thesis Title: Political Relationship Marketing and Behavioural Intention of Voters: The Mediating Roles of Trust and Commitment
Masters’ Degree: M.Phil in Marketing
Period of Study: August 2006 – July 2008
Awarding Institution: University of Ghana, Accra
Thesis Title: Service Quality among Ghanaian Private
Bachelor’s Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing Option)
Period of Study: August 2000 – July 2003
Awarding Institution: Methodist University College, Ghana
Certificate A: 3-Year Post-Secondary Education
Period of Study: September 1993 – July 1996
Institution Attended: St. Joseph’s Training College, Bechem, Ghana
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (O’Level)
Period of Study: September 1985 – June 1990
Institution Attended: Agogo State Secondary School, Agogo
Major: Science
Research Interests
Political Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Green/Sustainabilty Marketing, Destination Marketing
Research & Publications
Title: Corporate Image of Ghanaian Universities
Journal: Int. Journal of Business and Management Review (Aug. 2018), Volume 6, No. 7, pp. 74 – 84
Title: Service Experience Perspectives in Ghanaian Private Universities
Journal: British Journal of Marketing Studies (2014) pp. 1-13.
Working Papers
Title: Political Relationship Marketing: A Conceptual Perspective
Status: Ready for Submission
Title: Brand Equity of Vice Presidential Candidates of the Dominant Political parties in Ghana: An examination of the 2016 Presidential elections in Ghana
Status: Ready for Submission
Title: Regional Trade Blocs and Intra-African Trade in Africa: International Marketing Perspectives
Status: Data Compilation and Analysis Stage