Dr. Godwin Kwame Ansah
Dr. Godwin K. Ansah is an experienced educator and senior management professional with over 10 years of lecturing experience and 15 years in leadership roles across the public and private sectors. He holds a PhD in Public Administration, Governance, and Leadership from GIMPA, an MBA from the University of East Anglia, UK, and a BSc in Business Administration from the University of Ghana. Dr. Ansah specializes in public administration, strategic marketing, and leadership development. He has served as a lecturer at Lancaster University Ghana, UPSA, and Zenith University College and currently leads Communications & External Affairs at Ghana’s Securities & Exchange Commission. His research focuses on knowledge exchange, social innovation, and agricultural sector performance.
Ph.D., Management Economics, State University of Management, Moscow (2006-2009)
Concentration: Migration Management
Dissertation: Tourism-Migration Perspectives: Conditions and Solutions of Labour Migration Management: A Case of Ghanaian Migrants.
MSc. Marketing, State University of Management, Moscow (2004-2006)
Thesis: design Marketing strategies in promoting Nestle in Russia Federation.
BSc. Economics, Tula State University, Tula-Russia, (1999-2004)
Thesis: Perspective of Ghana’s participation in the World Gold Market.
After Senior Lectureship
- Doe, F. Preko, A, Akroful, H, Okai-Anderson, E.K (2021), Festival tourism and socioeconomic development: case of Kwahu traditional areas of Ghana, International Hospitality Review, ahead-of-no, ahead-of-print
- Allaberganov, A and Preko, A (2021), Travel Motives: Pull and Push travelling intentions of International Tourist to Uzbekistan, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights ahead-of-no, ahead-of-print.
- Preko, A (2020), Tourism development: national policies and tourism priorities in Ghana, International Journal of Tourism Policy, 21(10), 380-391
- Preko, A (2020), Understanding spiritual journey to Hajj: Ghana and Uzbekistan perspectives, Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-no, ahead-of-print.
- Preko, A (2020), Safety and security concerns at the beach: views of migrant visitors in Ghana: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(1),73-85
- Preko, A, Gyepi-Garbrah T.F, Arkorful, H, Akolaa, A.A, Quansah, (2020), Museum expereince and satisfaction: moderating role of viisting frequency, International Hospitality Review, ahead-of-no, ahead-of-print.
- Preko, A., Iddrisu, M. & Ameyibor, L., (2020). Muslim tourist religiosity, perceived values, satisfaction and loyalty. Tourism Review International, vol. 24, pp 109-125.
- Preko, A. (2019). The impact of tour services on international tourist satisfaction in Elmina, Ghana. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 6(4),1129-1147
- Doe, F., Puplampu, B., & Preko, A. (2020). Causes of coercive management behaviour, dimensions and occupation. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, ahead-of no, ahead-of-print.
- Preko, A., Ameyibor, L., & Mohammed, I. (2020). Examining tour services, satisfaction and loyalty of international tourists in Cape Coast, Ghana. Tourism Review International, 23, 115-131.
- Preko, A., Mohammed, I., Gyepi-Garbrah, T., & Allaberganov, A. (2020). Islamic tourism: travel motivations, satisfaction and word of mouth, Ghana. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of no, ahead-of-print.
- Preko, A., Agbanu, S., & Feglo, M. (2019). Political Marketing Strategy: Soundbites and Voting Behaviour in Contemporary Ghana. Journal of African Business, 21(3), 375-394.
- Preko, A., Doe , F., & Dadzie, S. A. (2019). The future of youth tourism in Ghana: motives, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. Journal of Tourism Future, 5(1), 2-18.
- Preko, A. (2017). Analysis of social cognitive model in the context of green marketing: a study of the Ghanaian environment. Business perspective and research, 6(1), 105-113.
Publication for Senior Lectureship
- A Three-Country Analysis of Students’ Attitudes and Behaviour Toward Complaints in Universities, Ghana, Journal of Science and Management, Vol. 8, Issue I. University journal of Knutsford University College
- The Influence of Psychographic Variables on the Theory of Exit, Voice and Loyalty of Customer Complaints Behaviour in Banks, Ghana, Journal of Competitiveness, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 48-67, December, 2015. cjournal.cz
- Learning and Examination Strategies: A case study of a public University in Ghana, University Journal of Business Studies, UPSA Vol 8. 2015
- Examining predictive relationship among values, consumer age and gender factors and retail purchase behavioral intentions in Ghana, University Journal of Business Studies, UPSA, Vol. 8, 2015
- A study of the Marketing Mindset: Undergraduate Choice of Marketing Major in a Business-biased public University in Ghana. International Journal of Marketing Studies, Canada, Vol. 6, No. 4, August 2014 issue. ccsenet.org
- Service Delivery, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Delight in the Real Estate Business. Evidence from Elite Kingdom Investment and Consulting Company Ghana, European Journal of Business & Management, Volume 6, Number 3, 2014, iiste.org
- A Study on the Concept of Employee Loyalty and Engagement on the Performance of Sales Executives of Commercial Banks in GHANA, International Journal of Business Research and Management (IJBRM) vol. (4), Issue (2) 2013. cscjournals.org
- Customer relationship management and retention in Orthodox Churches: an empirical study of selected churches in Madina Accra, Ghana, the international journal’s, Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies, vol. 2, No. 7, 2013,
- Customer relationship management and retention in Orthodox Churches: an empirical study of selected churches in Madina Accra, Ghana, the international journal’s, Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies, vol. 2, No. 7, 2013,
- Branding as a tool for enhancing choice of charismatic churches in Accra, Ghana, the international journal’s, Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies, vol. 1, No. 11, 2012,
- Attitudes of Male Employees toward female managers in selected organizations in Ghana. Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, vol-03, issue-3(3), July 2012 (86),
- Attitudes of Female Subordinates towards Female Heads in selected Organizations in Accra, Ghana, Research Journal of Social Science & Management, volume 02, Number 03, July-2012,
- The effect of Sales Promotion on TV Advertising Revenue: A Case study of TV Africa, Ghana, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Science (JETEMS) 3 (2): 141-146, May, 2012.
- Migration and the Individual, Journal of Sociology and Human resource, Vol. (44), № 6 Moscow, 2008 page 256—257
- The system of migration in the republic of Ghana. Journal of Sociology and Human resource, Vol. (28) № 1 Moscow, 2008 page 163-167
- Current trends in international migration in and out of Africa. Journal of Sociology and Human resource, Vol. (38) № 12 Moscow, 2007, page 178-180
- Problems and the possible ways of developing documentation of Ghanaians at home and outside. Journal of Sociology and Human resource, vol. 27 (1) Moscow, 2007, page 96-98
Newspaper Article Publication
- The UN Convention on Migrant workers and it’s relevant to Ghana, published in Business and Financial Time, (B&FT), Ghana, Monday, May 9th, 2011
- Tourists told me what they think of Elmina. Ghana needs to do some things differently, (conversation.com),
- Water sachet use in Ghana: how to stop the pollution, (conversation.com),
- A good museum experience pays off for the tourism sector in Ghana, (conversation.com),
- The role played by soundbites in Ghana’s elections, (conversation.com),
Articles Accepted for Publication
- Festival tourism and socioeconomic development: case of Kwahu traditional areas of Ghana, International Hospitality Review (emerald insight)
- Halal tourism and brand equity: the antecedents of devotedness and destination brand equity, Journal of Islamic Marketing (emerald insight)
Articles Under Review
- Creative Art Market: Celebrity Brand Hate and Consumer Behaviour Journal of Arts and the Market (emerald insight)
Articles in-progress
- The Commonwealth Teacher Recruitment Protocol: its impacts and implications for Ghana.
Papers Reviewed for Emerald, Sage and Cognizant Publishers
- Effect of Regional Terrorism Events on Malaysian Tourism Demand, Tourism and Hospitality Research (Sage, 2021)
- Stakeholder role in tourism sustainability-the case of Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and others in Ghana, Journal of International Hospitality Review (emerald, 2020)
- Are you traveling alone or with your smartphone? The impact of smartphone usage on the travel experience, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (emerald) (2020)
- Potential Assessment of Dark Tourism in India, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (emerald) (2020)
- Investigation into Determination of Mediating Effect of Destination Image in the Relationship between Tourists’ Risk Assessment, Behavioural Intentions and Satisfaction, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (emerald) (2019)
- The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on local tourist behavior, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (emerald) (2020)
- The role of religiosity in Muslim travelers’ consumption attitude and behavioural intentions, Journal of Islamic marketing (emerald) (2019)
- Organizational Culture and Spiritual Marketing as Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Journal of Islamic marketing (emerald) (2020)
- Determinants of tourism arrivals to Uzbekistan: evidence from dyadic data (Tourism Review International) (2020)
- Muslim Tourist intention to revisit Non-Muslim Countries: The role of Muslim-friendly Tourism (MFT) attributes' (Tourism Review International) (2019)
Honor and Award
- West Africa 2020 Science Communication award of Conversation Africa award, the Ghanaian author who made the most contributions to the site, (2020)
- Ministry of Education Russia, scholarship from first degree to PhD, (2000-2009)
Conferences and Presentations
- International Students Conference, Saint Petersburg-Russia (March, 2008).The role of foreign recruitment agencies in implementing migration policies. Paper presented at the Saint Petersburg University of Economics.
- Universal Students Congress, Moscow. Migration of skilled labour from Africa to the developed and industrial nations, development and criticism. Paper presented at the Moscow State University. (February, 2007)
- Education and Migration in the 21st Century, a paper presented at the Minisk State University, Belarus, Conference on Illegal Migration from the former CIS countries to Russia and Belarus (September 2007)
- Organized and Facilitate, Seminar on TURNITIN plagiarism software application.
- Missing Data Analysis in SPSS, Departmental Seminar, UPSA 2015
- Mixed-Method Approach in research methods (STATA-Nvivo), 2015
- Summer school UPSA: Research Methods and Statistics (2018)