Professor Raphael Lissillou
Dr. Raphael Lissillour created and directs professional doctoral programs, EMBA and MBA programs in foreign markets in Asia and Africa in which he promotes the principles of Engaged Management Scholarship and Evidence-based Management. He graduated from IPAG Business School where he majored in international business. After having worked as a business developer during 10 years in Germany, South America and China (working language German, Spanish, and Chinese), he engaged in doctoral studies and holds a PhD in International Relations from Jilin University. He is also a Non-Resident Research Fellow at the Ecole Polytechnique (CRG) and was a Visiting Professor of Management at Zhejiang Gongshang University (China). His scientific interests focus on (1) logistics and international relations with a focus on maritime safety, (2) sociological approaches to information systems, and (3) innovation and entrepreneurship. His research articles have been published in top tier journals such as Information Technology and people, Logistique & Management, and Gestion 2000. He is a member of the scientific committee in several international conferences such as the Knowledge Conference on Economics and Management 2019 and 2020 (organized by Palacky University in Olomouc), and the “AI in Management” conference 2019 (in partnership with AOM divisions MC and OCIS). He regularly participates in international conferences on management and supply chain such as IRMBAM, RIRL, ICEEG, EMS, and AOM ODC division conference.
2017: Ph.D. in International Relations. Jilin University, Changchun, China
2013: Master 2 in International Business. IPAG Business School, Paris, France
2003: Master 1 in International Trade. IPAG Business School, Paris, France
Research Areas
Logistics, Information systems, International relations, Strategy, Entrepreneurship and innovation
Teaching Areas
Intercultural Management, Cross-cultural communication, Research methodology, Research design, Leadership and change management
Lissillour, R., & Bonet Fernandez, D. (2020). The balance of power in the governance of the global maritime safety: A Bourdieusian perspective. Supply Chain Forum, forthcoming.
Lissillour, R., Rodriguez. J., & Wang Y. (2020). A strategic alignment to leverage the role of Corporate university: A qualitative case study of Chinese high-technology company ZTE. Gestion 2000, forthcoming.
Lissillour, R., & Bonet Fernandez, D. (2018). PSL et gouvernance de la sécurité maritime: apports de la théorie de Bourdieu. Logistique & Management, 26(4), 214-228.
Lissillour, R., & Wang, J. (2020, June), Organizational subculture, constructive deviance and technology adoption: post-implementation of an Enterprise Information System in China. In the AOM ODC division Conference: Lyon, France.
Lissillour, R., & Rodriguez, J. (2020, June) Acoplamiento flexible, ¿debilidad o fortaleza? evidencia en la post-implementación de un sistema ERP. In the AOM ODC division Conference: Lyon, France.
Lissillour, R., Fulconis, F., & Bonet Fernandez, D. (2020, october) La gouvernance de la sécurité maritime : étude behavioriste du rôle déterminant et paradoxal des sociétés de classification. In the Rencontres Internationales de la Logistique et du Supply Chain Management (RIRL) : Le Havre, France.
Rodriguez, J., & Lissillour, R. (2020, July). Explicit and Tacit Knowledge for Opportunity Identification: implications for Latent and Manifest Entrepreneurial Intention. In the International Conference on E-commerce, E-Business and E-Government (ICEEG): Paris, France.
Lissillour, R., Guechtouli, M., & Zhang, M. (2019, July). ERP versus WeChat: Informal knowledge sharing in China, In the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management. In the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM): Nice, France.
Lissillour, R., & Wang, J. (2019, July). Institutional logic contradiction and loose coupling subsequent to the cross-border implementation of Enterprise Information System: a qualitative case study in the Chinese subsidiary of a German industrial company. In the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM): Nice, France.
Lissillour, R. (2018, August). How to Engage the Crowd for Innovation in Restricted Markets? The Case of Google in China. In 2018 Engaged Management Scholarship Conference: Philadelphia, PA, USA.