Category: Assistant Professor

Professor Ulf Aagerup

Professor Ulf Aagerup

NIBS doctoral school in Ghana

There are two main facets to Ulf’s research. One is experimental research on consumer behavior and branding. Ulf is interested in how social norms affect consumer behavior and how consumers use brands to present themselves to other people. He is also interested in how advertising appeals affect attitudes and behaviors. Ulf’s studies have covered different industries, like weight loss, fashion, and fast moving consumer goods.

The second facet of Ulf’s research consists of case studies. Ulf carries out studies on companies with the objective to describe how they operate, and to relate their ways of working to different outcomes. The case studies studies have covered different industries, like life science, industrial machinery, and tourism and hospitality.

He has a Ph.D in Economics from St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics, Russia, a Master’s degree in International Economics, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance.

Aagerup, U., Andersson, S., Awuah, G. (2022). Building a warm and competent B2B brand personality European Journal of Marketing, 56(13), 167-193. More information

Andersson, S., Awuah, G., Aagerup, U., Wictor, I. (2020). How do mature born globals create customer value to achieve international growth? International Marketing Review, 37(2), 185-211 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited . More information

Aagerup, U. (2020). Building nightclub brand personality via guest selection International Journal of Hospitality Management Oxford: Elsevier . More information

Rutter, R., Nadeau, J., Aagerup, U., Lettice, F. (2020). The Olympic Games and associative sponsorship: Brand personality identity creation, communication and congruence Internet Research, 30(1), 85-107. More information

Aagerup, U., Frank, A., Hultqvist, E. (2019). The persuasive effects of emotional green packaging claims British Food Journal, 121(12), 3233-3246 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited . More information
Aagerup, U. (2018). Obese models’ effect on fashion brand attractiveness Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 22(4), 557-570 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited . More information

Aagerup, U. (2018). Accessible luxury fashion brand building via fat discrimination Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 22(1), 2-16 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited . More information

Solberg Søilen, K., Tontini, G., Aagerup, U. (2017). The perception of useful information derived from Twitter: A survey of professionals Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 7(3), 50-61 Halmstad: Halmstad University . More information

Aagerup, U., Nilsson, J. (2016). Green consumer behavior: being good or seeming good? Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(3), 274-284 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited . More information

Aagerup, U. (2011). The influence of real women in advertising on mass market fashion brand perception Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 15(4), 486-502 Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited . More information

Aagerup, U. (2010). To sell or not to sell: Overweight users’ effect on fashion assortments Journal of Brand Management, 18(1), 66-78 Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan . More information

Egels-Zandén, N., Aagerup, U. (2008). Misery as Corporate Mission: User Imagery at the Nightclub The Spy Bar Journal of Current Issues in Finance, Business and Economics, 2(1), 55-68 Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. . More information

Aagerup, U. (2015). It’s Not What You Sell: It’s Whom You Sell it To: How the Customer’s Character Shapes Brands and What Companies Do About it (Doctoral thesis). Förlag Göteborgs Universitet More information

Egels-Zandén, N., Aagerup, U. (2007). Misery as Corporate Mission: User Imagery at the Nightclub The Spy Bar. In: M. W. Vilcox and T. O. Mohan (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics (pp. 163 -176). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. More information

Aagerup, U. (2020). Lean if you are seen: Improved weight loss via social media. 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference. San Diego. USA. More information

Aagerup, U. (2019). The gendered effect of social presssure on exam results. Högskolepedagogisk konferens 2019, Halmstad, Sweden. More information

Ramos da Silva, M., Aagerup, U., Andersson, S. (2019). International rebranding strategies in a life science context. Health Innovation Research Conference, Halmstad, Sweden. More information

Aagerup, U. (2019). The universal appeal for low-sexual fashion advertising. 14th Global Brand Conference (Academy of Marketing), Berlin, Germany. More information

Andersson, S., Aagerup, U., Awuah, G., Wictor, I. (2018). Building Brand Personality in a Business-to-Business Context – the Case of Born Globals. The 22nd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, 22-24 September, 2018, Halmstad, Sweden. More information

Aagerup, U. (2018). Lean if you're seen. 13th Global Brand Conference 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. More information

Andersson, S., Awuah, G., Aagerup, U., Wictor, I. (2017). Customer Value Creation in Mature Born Globals. The 21st McGill International Entrepreneurship conference, Galway, Ireland, Aug. 30th - Sept. 1st, 2017. More information

Aagerup, U. (2017). The persuasive effects of packaging claims, packaging color and packaging texture. 12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden. More information

Aagerup, U. (2016). Intermediate Luxury Fashion: Brand Building via Fat Discrimination. Saltaire, UK: Greenleaf Publishing, 11th Global Brand Conference, University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom, 27th-29th April, 2016. More information

Andersson, S., Awuah, G., Wictor, I., Aagerup, U. (2015). International growth in born globals – value creation on international markets. 19th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference at Department of Management, Birkbeck, University of London, London, United Kingdom, August 27-29, 2015. More information

Aagerup, U., Nilsson, J. (2015). Self-enhancing green consumer behavior. 10th Global Brand Conference (Academy of Marketing), Turku, Finland. More information

Aagerup, U. (2014). The three dimensions of typical user imagery: A study of exclusive nightclub brand building. Global Brand Conference (Academy of Marketing), Hatfield, UK. More information

Aagerup, U. (2009). Maxamizing long-term profit in high end night clubs by balancing user imagery and income. The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), Niagara Falls, Canada. More information