Category: Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance

Dr. Senanu Kwasi Klutse

Dr. Senanu Kwasi Klutse

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Senanu Kwasi Klutse is an Economics and Finance lecturer at the Noble International Business School (NiBS). He has a degree in Economics and Business Administration with a major in economics from the Catholic University College of Ghana. He has a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Business Economics from Portsmouth University. He also has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Szeged and has put this to use in the field of economic research and analysis.
He has put his studies into practice in a variety of ways, most effectively as a Research Officer at the Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA) from January 2015 to September 2018. At CEPA – a civil society policy think tank founded in 1994 – he was assigned to a team under the Executive Director, charged with monitoring and evaluating fiscal and monetary policy and developments in the domestic and external bond market.
He also presented findings of CEPA’s work for the Economic Governance Platform on Ghana’s 16th IMF program in 2018. He has been an active participant in workshops and seminars. Not only those organized by CEPA, but also represented CEPA at workshops organized by Development Partners (DPs) like the IMF, World Bank, African Development Bank, the EU, and USAID. As a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Szeged, he participated in and presented papers at international conferences over the period 2018 to 2021. He also thought Finance for Bachelors and Masters students at the Budapest Business School. He has published in journals and conference proceedings and occasionally writes on economic issues in Ghana with the articles gaining a lot of readerships on research gate ( ). He has also successfully completed and received a passing grade in Macroeconomic Diagnostics, a course of study offered by IMFx, an online learning initiative of the International Monetary Fund.

  • 2018-2022       PhD. Economics – University of Szeged, Hungary.

    2013-2014       MSc. Business Economics (Distinction) – University of Portsmouth, UK.

    2007-2011       BSc. Economics and Business Administration (Economics) – Catholic University College, Ghana.

    2003-2006       West African Senior School Certificate Examination (General Science option) – Ghana Secondary Technical School (GSTS)

Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Business Economics, Econometrics, Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy.

  • Klutse, S.K., Kiss, G.D. and Sági, J. (2022). Exchange market pressure in Sub-Saharan African countries – the role of imports and short-term external debt, 2002–2017. REGIONAL STATISTICS12(4), p.1-20.
  • Klutse, S.K., Sági, J. and Kiss, G.D. (2022). Exchange Rate Crisis among Inflation Targeting Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Risks10(5), p.94.
  • Klutse, S. K., & Kiss, G. D. (2021). Test for asymmetry on the ex-pump price of premium gasoline in Ghana, Kenya, and Colombia. HUNGARIAN STATISTICAL REVIEW: JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN CENTRAL STATISTICAL OFFICE4(1), 73-89.
  • Klutse, S. K. (2020). Competitiveness in the European Consolidated Banking Sector After the 2008 Financial Crisis. Review of Economic Perspectives20(4), 431-444.

  • Klutse S.K. (2021) Testing New Measures of Exchange Market Pressure in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Procházka D. (eds) Digitalization in Finance and Accounting. ACFA 2019. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
  • KLUTSE, S.K. and KISS, G.D. (2021). A Re-Examination of the Remedial Action Adopted by the Central Bank during Banking Crisis–The Case of Ghana. STRATEGICA, p.385.

  • Klutse, S.K. and Acheampong, T.Y. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on real effective exchange rates of EU member countries: Implications for a monetary union. In: Juhász, Judit (eds.) Proceedings of the European Union’s Contention in the Reshaping Global Economy Szeged, Hungary : University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Economics (2022) 365 p. pp. 25-35. , 11 p.
  • Klutse, S. K. (2020). The problem of economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa – The case of Ghana, Republic of Congo, Kenya and Lesotho. In: Andreász Kosztopulosz – Éva Kuruczleki (eds.) (2020): The Challenges of Analyzing Social and Economic Processes in the 21st Century. University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Szeged,
  • Klutse, S. K. (2020). Inflation forecasting in developing economies using SARMA models: the case of Ghana. In: Proceedings of the 4th Central European PhD Workshop on Technological Change and Development. University of Szeged, Doctoral School in Economics, Szeged, 286–302. doi:10.14232/eucrge.2020.proc

  • Global Environments and Management Trends – GLO 600
  • Leadership Ethics, Governance & Social Responsibility – DBL 906
  • Managing Operations – MGT 805
  • Quantitative Research Methods I and II – MGT 903 and MGT 904
  • Business Economics – MGT 807
  • Entrepreneurship and International Business Management