Category: Lecturer and Assistant Ph.D. Program Coordinator

Dr. Godfred Takyi

Dr. Godfred Takyi

NIBS doctoral school in Ghana

Experienced researcher in qualitative and quantitative techniques, Some experience in Machine Learning modules and Business Analytics.

2003-2007 BSc. Tourism (University of Cape Coast)

2009 - 2012 MPhil. Development Studies (University of Cape Coast)

2014 - 2022 PhD. Development Studies (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology)

Takyi, G., Okeniyi, J. O., & Eneojo, S. (2022). Factors and remedies for productivity and
efficiency among small-scale informal enterprises: A theoretical perspective. International
Social Science Journal 1–17. DOI:10.1111/issj.12359
Takyi, G., Enu-Kwesi F., & Koomson. F. (2014). Food security of informal garage operators at
Suame Cluster in Kumasi. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies vol.1,
No.26, pp. 74-90
Takyi, G., Enu-Kwesi F., & Mensah, J.V. (2013). Improving the socio-economic conditions of
informal garage operators at Suame Cluster in Kumasi. Oguaa Social Science Journal, vol.7,
No.1, pp.71-93

Takyi, G., & Enu-Kwesi F. Improving the socio-economic conditions of informal garage
operators at Suame Cluster in Kumasi. Paper presented at the International Conference on
Poverty Social Exclusion, and Development, held by the Faculty of Social Sciences from 9th to
12th October, 2012.
Takyi, G., & Yeaboah, S. F. Effects of financial sector liberalisation on savings and economic
growth in Ghana. KNUST-GRASAG 6thGraduate Students Research Conference, held by
GRASAG-KNUST from 25th to 26th March, 2013.