Category: Marketing and Innovation

Professor Luigi De Luca

Professor Luigi De Luca

Doctoral programs in Ghana

He joined Cardiff University in 2009 as Senior Lecturer and obtained a promotion to Reader (Associate Professor in 2011). I conduct research in the field of marketing strategy and innovation. These broader research themes encompass the study of marketing knowledge processes, new product innovation and the interface between marketing and other departments in the firm. While confident with a range of methodologies, my research strength lies in quantitative methods and statistical analysis. I teach a breadth of modules on marketing, entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy at undergraduate, master, executive and doctoral levels. I have collaborated with companies in Italy and United Kingdom on several marketing and product innovation projects. While at Cardiff University, I have invested in management, supervision and leadership skills by attending selected internal training and development programs for future academic leaders.

Ph.D. in Business Administration & Management
Bocconi University, Italy, Sept 2003 – Nov 2007 (with Distinction)
Dissertation title: “Market Knowledge and Innovation”

Advisors: Prof. Gabriele Troilo, Bocconi University
Prof. Gianmario Verona, Bocconi University
Prof. Salvatore Vicari, Bocconi University
Prof. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, CEIBS (China)

“Laurea” (BSc + MSc) in Business Administration
Bocconi University, Italy, Sept 1997 – April 2002 (110/110 cum Laude)

 Spire Clinic Cardiff (Social media strategy)
 Tails Cocktails (New Product Development)
 Grayling UK (Market Analysis for the opening of Cardiff branch)
 JP Executive Lettings (Marketing Strategy and Social Media)
 BOX UK Software (Marketing Strategy)
 Year of the Tiger Spa (Marketing Strategy)
 Cardiff Body Clinic (Marketing Strategy)
 Peacocks (Market Analysis)
 3M (Market Analysis and Product Management)
 GE (Market Analysis and Product Management)
 Tetra Pak (New Product Development)
 Milan Chamber of Commerce (Policy Analysis)
 Italian Association of Biotechnology Firms (Marketing Capabilities)

1. Troilo, G., De Luca, L. M. and Atuahene-Gima, K. 2014. More innovation
with less? A strategic contingency view of slack resources, information
search, and radical innovation. Journal of Product Innovation
Management 31(2), pp. 259-277. (10.1111/jpim.12094)
2. Guenzi, P., De Luca, L. M. and Troilo, G. 2011. Organizational drivers of
salespeople's customer orientation and selling orientation. Journal of
Personal Selling and Sales Management 31(3), pp. 269-286.
3. Cillo, P., De Luca, L. M. and Troilo, G. 2010. Market information
approaches, product innovativeness, and firm performance: an empirical
study in the fashion industry. Research Policy 39(9), pp. 1242-1252.
4. De Luca, L. M., Verona, G. and Vicari, S. 2010. Market orientation and R&D
effectiveness in high-technology firms: an empirical investigation in the
Dr Luigi M. De Luca
biotechnology industry. Journal of Product Innovation Management 27(3), pp.
299-320. (10.1111/j.1540-5885.2010.00718.x)
5. Troilo, G., De Luca, L. M. and Guenzi, P. 2009. Dispersion of influence
between marketing and sales: its effects on superior customer value and
market performance. Industrial Marketing Management 38(8), pp. 872-882.
6. Atuahene-Gima, K. and De Luca, L. M. 2008. Marketing's lateral influence
strategies and new product team comprehension in high-tech companies: a
cross-national investigation. Industrial Marketing Management 37(6), pp. 664-
676. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2008.04.010)
7. De Luca, L. M. and Atuahene-Gima, K. 2007. Market knowledge
dimensions and cross-functional collaboration: Examining the different
routes to product innovation performance. Journal of Marketing 71(1), pp. 95-
8. Atuahene-Gima, K., Li, H. Y. and De Luca, L. M. 2006. The contingent value
of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development
performance in Chinese new technology ventures. Industrial Marketing
Management 35(3), pp. 359-372. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2005.05.017)
9. Troilo, G., Guenzi, P. and De Luca, L. M. 2013. L'integrazione fra marketing
e vendite: barriere, meccanismi operativi e risultati. Economia &
Management: la rivista della Scuola di Direzione Aziendale dell'Università L.
Bocconi 2013(2), pp. 89-110.
10. Cillo, P. Troilo, G., De Luca, L.M., Mazursky, D. 2005. Orientamento al
Mercato e Innovazione nei Settori Creativi. Una Ricerca nel Settore della
Moda. Finanza, Marketing e Produzione 23(1), pp. 23-45.
11. Guenzi P., De Luca L.M., Spiro R. “Does Adaptive Selling Improve Or Hurt
Customer Trust In The Salesperson?” 41th EMAC Conference, Lisbon,
Portugal, May 22-25.
12. De Luca L.M., Atuahene-Gima K., Troilo G. (2011) “The Contingent Value
of Market-Technology Knowledge Complementarity”, 40th EMAC
Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 24-27.
13. De Luca L.M., Verona G., Vicari S. (2009) “Market Orientation and R&D
Effectiveness in High-Technology Firms: An Empirical Investigation in the
Biotechnology Industry” 38th EMAC Conference, Nantes, May 26-29.
Dr Luigi M. De Luca
14. Guenzi P., De Luca L.M., Troilo, G. (2009) “Organizational Drivers of
Customer Oriented Selling” 38th EMAC Conference, Nantes, May 26-29.
15. Atuahene-Gima K., De Luca L.M. (2008) “Market Knowledge Dimensions
and the Causal Ambiguity Paradox”, 37th EMAC Annual Conference,
Brighton, UK, May 27-31.
16. Troilo G., De Luca L.M., Guenzi P. (2008) “The contingent value of sales
participation in marketing decision-making for market performance”, 37th
EMAC Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, May 27-31.
17. Troilo G., De Luca L.M. and Atuahene-Gima K. (2007) “Information Search
Strategies, Market Knowledge Dimensions, and New Product Performance:
A Contingency Model and Empirical Test”, 36th EMAC Conference,
Reykjavík, May 22-25.
18. Troilo G., De Luca L.M. and Atuahene-Gima K. (2006) “Information Search
Strategies, Market Knowledge Dimensions, and New Product Performance:
A Contingency Model and Empirical Test”, 30th PDMA Research Forum,
October 21-22, Atlanta (GA), USA.
19. Atuahene-Gima K., De Luca L.M. (2006) “The Effects of Marketing Strategy
Novelty On New Product Performance: A Contingency Approach”, 35th
EMAC Conference, 23-26 May, Athens, Greece.
20. De Luca L.M., Atuahene-Gima K. (2005) “Cross-functional Collaboration
and Firm Performance in Product Innovation: How Do Market Knowledge
Characteristics and Integration Mechanisms Matter?”, 29th PDMA Research
Forum, October 22-23 - San Diego (CA), USA.
21. Cillo P., De Luca L.M., Mazursky D., Troilo G. (2004) “Is Market Orientation
Bad for Innovation? An Empirical Study in the Fine Fashion Industry”, 64th
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 6-11 August, New
Orleans, (LO), USA.
22. Cillo P., De Luca L.M., Mazursky D., Troilo G. (2005) “Antecedents to
Corporate Reputation and its Impact on Performance: Empirical Evidence
from the Fashion Industry”, 33rd EMAC Conference, 18-21 May, Murcia,
23. Cillo P., De Luca L.M., Mazursky D., Troilo G. (2003) “Enhancing
organizational innovativeness through forward-looking market orientation.
Dr Luigi M. De Luca
An empirical study in the fashion industry”, 23rd Strategic Management
Society (SMS) Annual Conference, 9-12 November, Baltimore, (MD), USA.

European Marketing Academy (EMAC, current)
o American Marketing Association (AMA, current)
o British Academy of Management (BAM, past)
o Product Development and Management Association (PDMA, past)
o Strategic Management Society (SMS)