Category: Professor of Management & Organizational Leadership.

Professor Dail Fields

Professor Dail Fields

PhD programs in Ghana

Dr. Dail Fields PhD currently serves as part-time adjunct professor for Regent and Franklin Universities and a consultant in management and leadership to commercial and non-profit organizations. He has previously served as tenured full-time professor and program director for the Regent University PhD in Organizational Leadership and as Senior Research Scientist at the University of Georgia Institute for Behavioral Research. Dr. Fields was a Fulbright Scholar based in Lithuania in 2006-7 and completed a Fulbright Specialist assignment in Nepal in 2017. He is the author of “Taking the Measure of Work”, a guide to measurement and assessment in organizations (Sage Publications). He has also published over 50 studies in management and leadership research journals. Dr. Fields has been a guest speaker for management and educational organizations in Hong Kong, Lithuania, Russia, India, Singapore, Malaysia, China (P.R.C.), Nepal, and Guatemala. Prior to undertaking an academic career.

2013 to present.  Professor and PhD Program Director, School of Business and Leadership,  Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA

Responsible for curriculum design, development, teaching and quality assurance of PhD program  in organizational leadership

2012 to present  Senior Research Scientist, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Responsible for research administration, project management, and conducting research studies for Federal grant funded studies of organizational management within community-based providers of treatment for chronic substance use disorders.

1999 to 2012   Professor, School of Business and Leadership , Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA

  • 2008 – 2012. External examiner for Department of Management, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China.
  • 2005 – Present. Consultant and subject matter expert in quantitative research methods for doctoral programs in organizational leadership .
  • 2000 – Present. Consultant in survey research, Internal management, and  organizational development for international nonprofit organizations, government, and commercial clients.
  • 2005 – 2011. Editor, International Journal of Leadership Studies, a refereed research journal available at http:/
  • 2003 – 2009. Assisted Regent University Office of Academic Affairs in establishing a university –wide curriculum review process suitable for consistency with accreditation standards. Implemented the process as chair of university curriculum and instructional review committee 2004-2006.  Served as member of the committee 2003-2009.
  • 2006-2009 Adjunct faculty and guest lecturer in quantitative research methods and international human resource management for Vilnius University Faculty of Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 2006 – 2007. Fulbright Scholar (2006-07), LCC International University, Klaipeda, Lithuania.  Taught courses in ethical leadership and quantitative business research methods to undergraduate students.  Supervised undergraduate thesis research.  Initiated research studies in collaboration with faculty at ISM University, Vilnius University, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, and Estonian Business School.
  • 2006 -2007. Presented a lecture series on leadership at the Eurasian Theological Seminary in Moscow, Russia.
  • 2007 and 2009. Co-convener of international conferences on organizational leadership in collaboration with University of Delhi, Delhi, India
  • 2003 and 2008. Guest lecturer at Henan University Faculty of Management, Kaifeng, China

1996 – 1999  Associate Professor, Human Resource Development, The George    Washington University, Washington, DC.

  • Developed and taught courses for master’s and doctoral programs in the USA and Singapore in the following subjects:
    • Quantitative research methods
    • Organizational leadership
    • Employee performance management
    • Evaluation of human resource management programs
    • Technology applications in human resource management
    • Analysis and design of work teams
    • Organizational behavior
    • Organizational diagnosis and development
  • Developed and implemented an award-winning university-government partnership for a leadership development program for the U.S. Navy. The program received recognition for ‘reinventing’ government.

1986-1990 Entrepreneur and independent consultant, Atlanta, GA

  • Started and operated a small business venture in computerized graphic arts and printing.
  • Provided computer system consulting services to small businesses.

1980-1986  Regional Director, MCI Communications Corporation, Washington, DC

  • Established three telecommunications sales and service centers with 200 employees while managing P & L for a seven-state region.
  • Developed strategic partnerships for cellular telephone and long distance voice and data communications.
  • Turned around an IT department with 40 analysts and programmers. Led cross-functional teams in re-engineering of billing, customer service and order processing systems.

1976-1980 Manager, Deloitte Touche & Co, Washington, DC

  • Led engagements for senior executives in strategic and organizational planning
  • Led teams of consultants in organizational assessment and process improvement projects. Presented results to senior executives.
  • Led a project to re-engineer a national data system for behavioral health programs.
  • Evaluated computer software security and accounting system integrity in banking, retail and construction firms.

1974-76  Assistant Vice-President, Systems Development, CMI Investment Co., Madison, WI

  • Managed computer systems development and consulting department
  • Provided consulting services to senior executives in client organizations

1970-74 Manager, Costley, Miller, & Satterthwaite Management Consultants, Bethesda, MD and Atlanta, GA.

  • Project leader and consultant for public sector clients in Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina

1969-70 Consultant, Consultec, Inc. Rockville, MD.

  • Project consultant for federal defense and community development programs

1968-69  Operations Research Analyst, U.S. Government, Washington, DC.

Fields, D. (2002) Taking the measure of work: A guide to validated measures for organizational research and diagnosis, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  Published in English (ISBN 0-7619-2425-6) and Chinese (ISBN 0-5019-4141-6/F).

Fields, D., Blum, T., & Roman, P. (in press). Dissemination Activities: A Critical New Role for Substance Abuse Treatment Organizations. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research.

Fields, D & Boggs, B. (2012) Guest editors, Symposium on managing performance in faith- based nonprofit organizations.  International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 15(1): 24-88 and 15(2): 199-264

Fields, D., Roman, P. & Blum, T. (2012) Management systems, patient quality improvement, resource availability, and substance abuse treatment quality. Health Services Research,

47(3): 1068-1090

Clemmons, A & Fields, D (2011) Values as determinants of motivation to lead.  Military   Psychology, 23(6): 587-600

Fields, D. & Bekker, C. (2011) Theological reflection, cognitive frameworks and commerce: Exploring the intersection between Christianity and businessJournal of Biblical Integration in Business13: 77-86

Brown, R. & Fields, D. (2011)Leaders engaged in self-leadership: Can followers tell the difference? Leadership, 7(3): 275-293

Fields, D., Blum, T., & Roman, P. (2011)  An exploratory study of alternative configurations of governing boards of substance abuse treatment centers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 41 (2): 156-168

Elele, J. & Fields, D. (2010). Participative Decision Making and Organizational Commitment: Comparing Nigerian and American Employees. Cross-cultural Management: An International Journal, 17(4):368-392. DOI10.1108/13527601011086586

Boggs, B. & Fields, D. (2010). Exploring organizational culture and performance of Christian Churches, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior,13 (3), 305-334

Fields, D. & Roman, P. (2010) Total quality management and performance in substance abuse treatment centers. Health Services Research, 45(6): 1630-50 DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-  6773.2010.01152.x

Perkins, D. C. & Fields, D (2010). Top management team diversity and performance of Christian churches. Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly,          DOI:10.1177/0899764009340230

Holste, S. & Fields, D (2010). Trust and tacit knowledge sharing and use. Journal of Knowledge Management, 14 (1): 128-140

Gaiduk, R., Gaiduk, J. & Fields, D. (2009). Limiting the brain drain: Determinants of employee

organizational attachment in Lithuania.Baltic Journal of Management, 4(2): 149-168.        Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence          2010.

Andzius, E., Krisciunaite, R., & Fields, D. (2009). Transitioning from employee portraits from

the past: Leadership and employee commitment in modern Lithuania. In M. Harvey and J. D. Barbour (eds.) pp. 135-149. Global leadership: Portraits of the past, visions for the future, James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership and the International Leadership Association: College Park

Rosson, T. & Fields, D. (2008) Cultural determinants of the growth in evangelical Christianity:

A longitudinal study of 49 countries. Review of Religious Research, 49(3): 269-289

Fields, D. & Case, R (2008) Team Composition and Risk Taking in Decisions by Research and

Development Project Teams. Amity International Strategic Management Review, 2 (1):   1-21

Hale, J & Fields, D. (2007) Exploring Servant Leadership across Cultures: A Study of Followers      in Ghana and the USA. Leadership, 3(4): 397-417

Wood, S. & Fields, D. (2007) Exploring the Impact of Shared Leadership on Management Team   Member Job Outcomes. Baltic Journal of Management, 2(3): 251-272

Fields, D. (2007) Determinants of Follower Perceptions of a Leader’s Authenticity and Integrity, European Management Journal, 25(3): 195-206.

Fields, D. (2006) Governance in Permanent Whitewater: The Board’s Role in Planning and                       Implementing Organizational Change.  Corporate Governance: An International                           Review, 15(2): 334-344.

Porr, D. & Fields, D. (2006) Implicit leadership effects on multi-source ratings for management development.  Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(7): 651-668

Fields, D., Chan, A., Akhtar, S. & Blum, T. (2006) Human resource management strategies

under uncertainty:  How do American and Hong Kong Chinese companies differ? Cross    Culture Management: An International Journal, 13(2): 171-186

Fields, D., Dingman, M., Blum, T., & Roman, P. (2005) Exploring predictors of alternative

job changes. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78: 63-82.

Fields, D., Goodman, J, & Blum, T. (2005) Human resource dependence and organizational

demography:  A study of minority employment in private sector companies. Journal of

Management, 31: 167-185.

Fields, D. & Bocarnea, M. (2005) Measurement in organizational behavior. In Encyclopedia of    Social MeasurementVol. 2, (pp. 951-956) Academic Press: San Diego

Herold, D. & Fields, D. (2004) Making sense of subordinate feedback for leadership

development: Confounding effects of job role and organizational rewards. Group and Organization Management, 29(6): 686-701.

Winston, B. & Fields, D. (2003) Developing dissertation skills of doctoral students in an

internet-based distance education curriculum: A case study.  American Journal of Distance Education, 17(3), 161-172.

Goodman, J., Fields, D. & Blum, T (2003) Cracks in the Glass Ceiling: In what kinds of

organizations do women make it to the top? Group and Organization Management,28 (4): 475-501.

Fields, D., Pang, M. & Chui, C. (2000) Distributive and procedural justice as predictors of

employee outcomes in Hong Kong, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21: 547-562.

Fields, D., Chan, A. & Akhtar, S. (2000) Organizational context and human resource

management strategy: a structural equation analysis of Hong Kong firms, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(2): 264-2773.

Ayree, S., Fields, D. & Luk, V. (1999) Cross-cultural assessment of key work-family

dimensions: A comparison of structural models. Journal of Management, 25(4): 491-511.

Townsend, A., Whitman, M., Hendrickson, A., & Fields, D. (1998) An examination of

computer-use ethics in Hong Kong and the United States. Journal of International Information Management, 7(1): 29-38.

Ding, D., Fields, D.L. & Akhtar, S. (1997) An empirical study of human resource management      policies and practices in foreign-invested Enterprises in China: The case of Shenzhen    Special Economic Zone. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,     8(5): 597-613.

Fields, D.L. & Herold, D.M. (1997). Using the leadership practices inventory to measure   transformational and transactional leadership. Educational and Psychological      Measurement, 57(4): 569-579.

Fields, D.L & Blum, T.C. (1997). Employee satisfaction in work groups with different gender        composition. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(2), 181-196.

Blum, T.C., Fields, D.L., & Goodman, J.S. (1994). Organization level determinants of women in management. Academy of Management Journal, 37(2), 241-268.

Blum, T.C., Fields, D.L., Milne, S.H., & Spell, C.S. (1993). The interrelations of drug testing with other human resource management practices and organizational characteristics.  In S. Macdonald and P. Roman (eds.), Drug Testing in the Workplace: Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems, Vol. 11 (pp. 279-302). New York: Plenum.

Blum, T.C., Fields, D.L., Milne, S.H., & Spell, C.S. (1992). Workplace drug testing programs: A review of research and a survey of worksites. Journal of Employee Assistance Research, 1(2), 315-349.

Fields, D. (2013) Followers’ Assessments of a Leader’s Authenticity: What Factors Affect How

Others Deem a Leader to be Authentic? In D. Ladkin and C. Spiller (eds.) Authentic Leadership: Clashes, Convergences and Coalescences. Cheltanham Glouster, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Jones, J. & Fields, D. (2012) Effectively leading a diverse non-profit workforce. In R. Burke

and C. Cooper (eds.) Human resource management in the nonprofit sector: Purpose and passion. Cheltanham Glouster, UK Edward Elgar Publishing:

Hale, J. & Fields, D. (2013) A cross-cultural measure of servant leadership.  In M. Bocarnea,

  1. Reynolds and J. Baker (eds.) Online Instruments, DataCollection, and Electronic Measurements: Organizational Advancements. Hershey, PA IGI Global:

Johnson, B. & Fields, D. (2011) CAUTION! Implicit Leadership Theories at work.  In F. Gandolfi

(ed.) Foundations of Contemporary Leadership, Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing .

Chandler, D. J., & Fields, D. (2010). Ignoring the signposts: A process perspective of unethical      and destructive Leadership. In B. Schyns & T. Hansbrough, (Eds.), When Leadership

Goes Wrong: Destructive Leadership, Mistakes and Ethical Failures. Charlotte, NC:

Information Age Publishing

Fields, D. (2010) The Obama Factor on Leadership. In D. Green and G. Roberts (eds.) Impending             Danger: The Federal Handbook for Rethinking Leadership in the 21st Century.  Deer Park,             Linus Publications.

Fields, D. (2008) Organizational Development and Diagnosis.  In S. Allen (ed.) CALE Leadership Handbook, Center for Applied leadership Excellence: Pinegowrie

Fields, D. (2007) Leadership Style: Developing a Leadership Style to Fit 21st Century Challenges. In C. Wankel (ed.) Handbook of 21st Century Management, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications

Fields, D. (2006) Benchmarking Organizational Leadership.  Effective Executive, 8(10): 62-          66

Fields, D. (2005) Applying cultural data from the GLOBE study to develop leadership models for Russian organizations. In J. Coe, L. Sukhodoyeva, and B. Johnson (eds.) Strategies for         Effective Leadership: U.S. and Russian Perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse

Fields, D.L. (1995). Negotiating Competitiveness, Book review, Human Resource Planning,           18(2).

Fields, D., Roman, P. & Blum, T. (2011) Management systems, patient quality improvement,       resource availability, and substance abuse treatment quality. 2011 Annual Academy of       Management Meeting, San Antonio.  Recipient of best paper award, Healthcare            Management Division .

Clemmons, A. & Fields, D. (2011) Values as Determinants of Motivation to Lead, 2011     International Conference of the Association of Global Management Studies, Las Vegas,

Fields, D. (2011) Research in quality management and governance in substance abuse

treatment programs.  Working conference of the National Treatment Center Study, Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia

Fields, D. (2010) Session Chair, Present and Future Perspectives on Servant Leadership

Research.  Annual Conference of the Greenleaf Foundation, Atlanta, GA

Fields, D. & Blum, T. (2010) Configurations of governing boards of substance abuse treatment    centers.  2010 Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, CN

Schilpzand, M., Blum, T., & Fields, D. (2009) Future employees and the environment: What         determines the propensity of university students towards environmentally focused             behaviors? 2009 Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Asheville,          NC.

Fields, D. & Roman, P. (2009) Total quality management and performance in substance abuse    treatment centers.  2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL

Fields, D., Bocarnea, M., Bekker, C., & Osula, B. (2008) Leadership in Transitioning Countries:     Past and Present.  2008 Annual Conference of the International Leadership Association,         Los Angeles, CA.

Fields, D. & Fry, L. (2008) Leadership assessment in research and practice. 2008 Annual Conference of the International Leadership Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Bekker, C., Fry, L. Harvey, M., Gary, J. & Fields, D. (2008) Spiritual Leadership: Past, Present        and Future. 2008 Annual Conference of the International Leadership Association,      Los Angeles, CA.

Fields, D., Liu, J., & Song, S.T. (2007) Leadership in Transition: Comparing Leadership

Preferences Across Generations in China.  2007 Leadership Forum of the Chinese

Executive Leadership Academy Pudong, Shanghai, China

Fields, D., Bocarnea, M., Pielstick, D., Bekker, C. & Longbotham, G. (2007) Spirituality in

Organizational Leadership.  2007 Annual Meeting of the International Leadership Association, Vancouver, Canada

Hale, J & Fields, D. (2007) Exploring Servant Leadership across Cultures: A Study of Followers      in Ghana and the USA. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia,         PA.

Perkins, D. C. & Fields, D. (2007) The Relationship of Top Management Team Diversity    with     Organizational Performance of Christian Churches.  EuropeanAcademy of Management  Annual Meeting, Paris, France

Elele, J. & Fields, D. (2007) Exploring Employee Participation and Organizational Commitment   Across Cultures: A Study of Employees in Nigeria and the United States.  Workshop on            Research Advances in Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and         Corporate Social Responsibility, LIRHEUniversity of Toulouse, Toulouse, France,

Brown, R. & Fields, D. (2006) Exploring the Relationships of Self-Leadership Practices with

Follower Assessments of Leadership Behaviors.  Fifth Annual Conference on Studying       Leadership, Cranfield University, Bedford, U.K.

Fields, D., Ankopien, A., Bocarnea, M., Grachev, M., & Straight, B. (2006) The Crossroads of        Leadership in Eastern Europe: Insights from Lithuania, Russia, and Bulgaria.           International Leadership Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL

Wood, S. & Fields, D. (2006) Exploring the Impact of Shared Leadership on Management                         Team Member Job Outcomes.  MMRC-ERA Research Conference, Baltic Management Development Association, ISMUniversity of Economics and Management, Kaunas,       Lithuania

Boggs, B. and Fields, D. (2006) An exploratory study of organizational culture and                                    effectiveness of Christian churches. Included in Best Paper Proceedings, Annual   Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA

Fields, D. (2006) Determinants of Consensus and Accuracy in Follower Perceptions of                               Leaders: Will Authenticity Shine Through?  22nd Colloquium of the European Group for      Organizational Studies, Bergen Norway

Fields, D. & Dingman, M. (2006) Servants to the Cause: Preliminary Findings about          Leader-Follower Relationships of World Changing Leaders.  Values-based Leadership          Conference, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Hale, J. & Fields, D. (2006) Exploring the effectiveness of servant leadership in Ghana and the     United States. Values-based Leadership Conference, Stellenbosch University, South          Africa.

Porr, D. & Fields, D. (2005) Making sense of how multiple ratings of leadership are related to     organizational performance indicators.  Annual Meeting of the Southern Management    Association, Charleston, SC.

Fields, D. & Carr, P. (2005) Development of Autonomous Learners in an On-line Doctoral            Program.  Sloan – C Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Holste, S. & Fields, D. (2005) The relationship of affect and cognition based trust with sharing     and use of tacit knowledge.  Included in Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of         Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

Lane, M. & Fields, D. (2005) Exploring ‘Confucian family-ism’ as a dimension of justice in the      Chinese workplace.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.

Fields, D., Chan, A., Akhtar, S. & Blum, T (2004) Human resource management strategies            under             uncertainty:  How do American and Hong Kong Chinese companies differ?Annual             Meeting of the Southern Management Association, San Antonio, TX.

Fields, D. (2004) Leadership and governance during organizational change.  Colloquium of          the European Group on Organizational Studies, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Fields, D. (2003) Demographic diversity and decision rigidity in R & D project teams

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA.

Fields, D. & Grooms, L (2002) The power of on-line learning: The faculty perspective. Eighth       Sloan-C International Conference on Asynchronous Learning Networks, Orlando, FL,

Fields, D. & Dingman, M. (2002) Determinants of alternative employee turnover choices

Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Atlanta, GA.

Reid-Martinez, K., Fields, D. & Grooms, L. (2002) A new model for on-line leadership

Education.  Annual Meeting of the International Council for Open and DistanceEducation, Calgary, CN.

Winston, B. & Fields, D. (2001) Communicating competencies for the doctoral dissertation in an

internet-based doctoral program.  Annual meeting of the National Communications Association, Atlanta, GA.

Fields, D. & Blum, T. (2000) Opposite sex supervisors and employee satisfaction: Moderating

effects of work group composition and job strain.  Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.

Herold, D & Fields, D. (2000) 360 Degree assessments: Are we measuring the person or the

context? Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Fields, D.L, Pang, M. & Chiu, C (1998). A cross-cultural comparison of the effects of         distributive and procedural justice. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,        San Diego, CA.

Fields, D.L., Blum, T.C. & Roman, P (1997). A Cross-cultural examination of employee      attitudes about workplace drug testing in the U.S. and Hong Kong. Annual Meeting of             the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Fields, D.L., Blum, T.C. & Goodman, J.S. (1996) Organizational characteristics affecting the

presence of blacks in management and top executive positions Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, OH.

Ayree, S., Fields, D.L. & Luk, V. (1996) A test of a model of the work-family interface among        managerial employees in Hong Kong.  Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management,        Cincinnati, OH.

Fields, D.L & Blum, T.C. (1995) Happier Together? Employee satisfaction in work groups with      different gender composition.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting,   Vancouver,      Canada.

Fields, D.L & Blum, T.C. (1995) Working for the opposite sex, work group composition, and          employee satisfaction. Colloquium of the European Group on Organizational Studies,      Istanbul, Turkey.

Blum, T.C. & Fields, D.L. (1994) Not just a matter of yes or no: Employee beliefs about     workplace drug testing and related human resource practices.  World Conference of         Management,             International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management,

Dallas, TX.

Herold, D.M. & Fields, D.L. (1994) Organizational roles and the reinforcement of transactional   and transformational leadership.  World Conference of Management, International    Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Dallas, TX.

Herold, D.M., Fields, D.L., and Hyatt C. (1993) Using leadership instruments in a management development context: What are we measuring? Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA. Best Paper Award, Management Education and Development Division.

Reviewer for Fulbright Scholar applications for business administration awards worldwide

External examiner for Department of Management, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China

Editorial review board, Group and Organization Management

Reviewer, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, Baltic Journal of Management, Public Administration Review, Health Services Research,  International Review of Administrative Sciences, and Corporate Governance: An      International Review

Member, Academy of Management

Reviewer, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Member, Board of Fellows for Organizational Leadership PhD, Eastern University