Category: Strategy and International Business

Professor Thomas C. Lawton

Professor Thomas C. Lawton

NIBS doctoral school in Ghana

Thomas Lawton is Professor of Strategy and International Business at Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. He also has academic affiliations at University College Cork in Ireland and Dartmouth College in the USA.
Professor Lawton is an authority on non-market strategy, particularly in the domain of corporate political activity and in an international business context. His research focuses on strategies for stakeholder engagement and corporate risk and reputation management when entering and embedding in foreign markets. He also works on business model innovation during corporate turnaround and international expansion.

Professor Lawton is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the highly ranked strategy journal, Long Range Planning, and he has published in journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Perspectives, Global Strategy Journal, International Business Review, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of International Management, Journal of Management Inquiry, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Long Range Planning, Management International Review, and Strategic Organization. He is the author or editor of 8 books, including Strange Power and Strategic Management in Aviation. His best known, Breakout Strategy: meeting the challenge of double-digit growth, was translated into Japanese by Nikkei and widely commended for its global focus and relevance to practicing managers and aspiring leaders. His most recent books are Aligning for Advantage: competitive strategies for the political and social arenas (Oxford University Press, 2014), and The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategy (Routledge, 2015). He is also the Strategy Matters Series Editor for Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).

  • 1995
    PhD in Political Science
    European University Institute
    MSc Econ in International Relations
    The London School of Economics and Political Science
    BA (Hons) in History and Sociology
    University College Cork

  • Strategic management; International Business

    1. 2012 - 2018

      Professor of Strategy and International Management
      Open University
      2010 - 2012

      Professor of Strategy and International Business

      EMLYON Business School
      2008 - 2010

      Professor of Strategic Management
      Cranfield University
      2002 - 2008

      Senior Lecturer in Strategy and International Business
      Imperial College London
      1996 - 2002

      Lecturer in European Business
      Royal Holloway University of London
      1995 - 1996

      European Union HCM Research Fellow
      University of Essex

  1. Cork University Business School, University College Cork
    Professor of Strategy and International Business and Director, Global Competitiveness Institute

    The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
    Visiting Professor of Business Administration

    Møller Institute, Churchill College, University of Cambridge

    Royal Society for the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce

    Chartered Management Institute

Brice Dattee, Jean-Luc Arregle, Paolo Barbieri, Thomas C. Lawton, Duncan N. Angwin (2022)The Dynamics of Organizational Autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini, In: Administrative science quarterly Sage


Jing-Lin Duanmu, THOMAS LAWTON (2021)Foreign Buyout of International Equity Joint Ventures in China: When Does Performance Improve?, In: Journal of World Business [e-journal] : JWB56(5)101243 Elsevier


George O. White III, TAZEEB SULTANALI RAJWANI, THOMAS LAWTON (2021)Open for Business in a Closed World: Managing MNE Nonmarket Strategy in Times of Populism and Geopolitical Uncertainty, In: Multinational business review Emerald Publishing


Thomas C Lawton, Sinziana Dorobantu, Tazeeb S Rajwani, Pei Sun (2020)The implications of COVID-19 for nonmarket strategy research, In: Journal of Management Studies15(8)pp. 1732-1736 John Wiley & Sons, Inc


Tahiru Azaaviele Liedong, Tazeeb Rajwani, Thomas C. Lawton (2020)Information and nonmarket strategy: Conceptualizing the interrelationship between big data and corporate political activity, In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change157120039 Elsevier


Maria A. De Villa, Tazeeb Rajwani, Thomas C. Lawton, Kamel Mellahi (2018)To engage or not to engage with host governments: Corporate political activity and host-country political risk, In: Global Strategy Journal9(2)pp. 208-242 Wiley


Thomas Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani, Amy Minto (2018)Why Trade Associations Matter: Exploring Function, Meaning, and Influence, In: Journal of Management Inquiry27(1)pp. 5-9 SAGE Publications


Anna John, Thomas Lawton (2017)International Political Risk Management: Perspectives, Approaches and Emerging Agendas, In: International Journal of Management Reviews Wiley


T. C. Lawton, T. Rajwani (2017)Introduction: Revisiting the Roles and Responsibilities of Trade Associations, In: JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INQUIRY27(1)pp. 3-4 SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC


Charles Mbalyohere, Thomas Lawton, Roshan Boojihawon, Howard Viney (2017)Corporate political activity and location-based advantage: MNE responses to institutional transformation in Uganda’s electricity industry, In: Journal of World Business52(6)pp. 743-759 Elsevier


Thomas Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani (2017)Introduction: Revisiting the Roles and Responsibilities of Trade Associations, In: Journal of Management Inquiry27(1)pp. 3-4 SAGE Publications


Tazeeb Rajwani, Thomas Lawton, Nelson Phillips (2015)The “Voice of Industry”: Why management researchers should pay more attention to trade associations, In: Strategic Organization13(3)pp. 224-232 SAGE Publications


T.C. Lawton, T.S. Rajwani (2015)Introduction: The evolution of non-market strategy in theory and practice, In: The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategypp. 3-11 Taylor and Francis Inc.


A. John, T.S. Rajwani, T.C. Lawton (2015)Corporate political activity, In: The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategypp. 115-140 Taylor and Francis Inc.


T.C. Lawton, T.S. Rajwani (2015)Conclusion: Where next for non-market strategy?, In: The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategypp. 412-417 Taylor and Francis Inc.


Maria A. De Villa, Tazeeb Rajwani, Thomas Lawton (2015)Market entry modes in a multipolar world: Untangling the moderating effect of the political environment, In: International Business Review24(3)pp. 419-429 Elsevier


J.P. Doh, T.C. Lawton, T. Rajwani, S. Paroutis (2014)Why your company may need a chief external officer. Upgrading external affairs can help align strategy and improve competitive advantage, In: Organizational Dynamics43(2)pp. 96-104 Elsevier Science
Thomas Lawton, Jonathan P. Doh, Tazeeb Rajwani (2014)Aligning for Advantage: Competitive Strategies for the Political and Social Arenas Oxford University Press


Jonathan P. Doh, Thomas C. Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani (2012)Advancing Nonmarket Strategy Research: Institutional Perspectives in a Changing World, In: Academy of Management Perspectives26(3)pp. 22-39 Academy of Management


Thomas Lawton, Steven McGuire, Tazeeb Rajwani (2012)Corporate Political Activity: A Literature Review and Research Agenda, In: International Journal of Management Reviews15(1)pp. 86-105 Wiley


Thomas Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani, Patrick Reinmoeller (2011)Do you have a survival instinct? Leveraging genetic codes to achieve fit in hostile business environments, In: Business Horizons55(1)pp. 81-91 Elsevier


Thomas Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani, Conor O'Kane (2011)Strategic reorientation and business turnaround: the case of global legacy airlines, In: Journal of Strategy and Management4(3)pp. 215-237 Emerald


Thomas Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani (2011)Designing lobbying capabilities: managerial choices in unpredictable environments, In: European Business Review23(2)pp. 167-189 Emerald