Doctor of Public Sector Innovation & Leadership (DPSIL) Program

Doctor of Public Sector Innovation & Leadership (DPSIL) Program

 Program Overview

The Doctor of Public Sector Innovation and Leadership is a new and unique program focusing on the intersection of innovation and leadership in the public sector. The program aims to develop a cadre of Public Sector Leaders who enhance the competitive capacity of government and public sector enterprises and organizations by creating, growing, and inspiring new leaders. This program gives participants insights into the literature on public sector innovation and leadership. Participants develop advanced research skills to engage in scholarly inquiry and enhance evidence-based decision-making within the public sector. Participants demonstrate the ability to complete a doctoral thesis and disseminate new knowledge through publications in practitioner journals, conferences, and academic outlets.

The public sector landscape is changing at the speed of thought, which means we have to look at the issues and ourselves as public sector leaders through a new set of lenses. In remarks he was to deliver on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy wrote, Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. Not only do great leaders never stop learning, but their success is measured by the other leaders they create, grow, and inspire. The new Africa, dynamic, complex, and full of opportunities, requires a new kind of leadership in the public sector – innovative, high-performance oriented, and ethical. Yet, public sector leaders are increasingly concerned about the performance of public sector organizations and the limited pipeline of creative leaders. As a leader in the public sector, your onerous responsibility is to leave an innovative leadership legacy and create, grow, and inspire the next generation of leaders for a more competitive Africa. Two questions present themselves as you consider your potential role in this endeavour.

  • What must you do to leave lasting knowledge and high-performance footprint on African Public Sector leadership?
  • How can you use the experiences that have propelled you to the top to create, grow, and inspire new leaders in your organization, government, industry, and country?

    This Doctoral Program aims to academically qualify a select group of highly experienced and accomplished leaders to address our Public Sector leadership challenges. The program uniquely combines an academic degree with a practical global public sector C-Suite leadership program. Through tailored workshops connecting you with a cohort of like-minded leaders in Europe and  the USA, you develop practical knowledge, skills, and insights for creating new public sector leaders. This unique combination gives you an accredited doctorate that contributes new understandings and knowledge of international best practices that attest to your lasting contribution to public sector leadership theory and practice.

Department Contact
nibs doctoral school in ghana

Joshua Amuzu

Program Director

Richard Ntim Frimpong

Program Advisor
Global Public Sector Leaders Immersion Program

The program fosters a global outlook on public sector challenges and the application of international best practices. During the program, participants will attend at least one optional one-week study tour overseas. The study tour allows participants to understand global public sector innovation and leadership practices, acquire direct international experience, and network with other public sector leaders. By merging the academic knowledge from the doctorate program and the practical knowledge and insights from the study tours, participants develop a command of relevant issues of concern for the public sector, putting them in a unique position to innovate and rejuvenate their organizations.

Who should attend? – Executives in the public sector, including:
  • Government and its ministries, agencies, and departments.
  • Parliamentarians, legislative staff, and other staff involved in legislative processes and public governance.
  • Education – Educational administrators and leaders in public universities, colleges, and other educational institutions are involved in public sector capacity building.
  • CEOs and senior management of state-owned organizations and enterprises in various industries
  • Leaders and managers in NGOs
Entry Requirements

Prospective applicants must have any of the following qualifications:

  • Master’s degree by research or coursework in a public administration, management, or business-related discipline with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 and at least five years of relevant work experience.
  • Master’s degree by research or coursework in non management or business-related disciplines with a minimum CGPA of 2.50, a relevant professional qualification (ACCA, ICAG, CIM, CFA, etc), and at least five years of relevant work experience.
Recognition of Prior Learning
  • Students may apply for recognition of prior credit for courses completed at accredited Universities or business schools. Students may be granted a maximum of 15 credits.
Graduation Requirements
  • To graduate from the program, students must achieve a passing mark in each taught course, seminar, and comprehensive examination and obtain a CGPA of 3.0.
  • Students must also pass the thesis examination and oral defense.
  • Obtain a total of 74 credits.
Delivery Mode: Hybrid
  • Block format (On-campus and Live Online) and Fully Online
  • We deliver the program modularly and in block format. This structure means each course is completed in a workshop format for several days
    every few weeks.
Program Duration and Time Limits
  • Duration: Minimum 2.5 years, Maximum 4 years.
  • The minimum time for submitting a completed thesis is typically two years
  • An extension of not more than one year may be granted on application.
  • A candidate who completes the coursework but does not complete a thesis and has paid the entire program fees may exit the program with a Master of Public Sector Innovation & Leadership degree.
Degree Program Structure

Module 1 – Management Research in the Public Sector: The module covers the philosophical and theoretical foundations and practices for public sector research. This seminar will review fundamental doctoral research issues in conducting empirical doctoral research and for research publication in scholarly management journals. These issues include framing and developing a problem statement related to a theoretical gap and associated practical problem, new theory development, associated research questions, and research design. This seminar requires theory readings in the candidate”s chosen topic, types of research models, strategies for theory development, hypothesis-driven versus question-driven research approaches, replication and extension research, modes of empirical research (including survey and qualitative research), and study plan development. At the end of this module, you should understand how to conduct social science research in the public sector. The module provides opportunities to develop your research ideas and abilities and engage productively with the current literature. The two courses in this module are:

  • Philosophy of Business & Management Research
  • Public Sector Innovation Theory and Practice.

Module 2 – Public Sector Innovation: This module discusses research and practices in public sector innovation. These include public sector innovation theory, organizational change and innovation, and public sector service design and management. This module helps participants reflect on their current innovation practices in the light of current research to uncover significant problem areas that need solutions. The two courses in this module are:

  • Organizational Change and Innovation
  • Public Service Management and Design

Module 3 – Public Sector Leadership – This module discusses research and practices of public sector leadership, governance, ethics, and digital transformation. We develop a complete understanding of leadership theory and its implications for leadership practice. Participants develop the ability to analyze leadership issues likely to emerge and impact the future performance of public sector organizations. The two courses in this module are:

  • Leadership, Governance, and Ethics
  • Leading Digital Innovation and Transformation

Module 4: Research Methods – This module prepares students to do and evaluate social science research using various research methods. The module addresses fundamental research design, data collection, and analysis issues. The course material encompasses quantitative and qualitative methods in discussing the essential components of the research process: conceptualization and measurement, sample selection, and causal modeling. In addition to teaching techniques and conventions of research, the course also acquaints the student with critical issues in the survey research, ethical questions, and how to write a research proposal.

  • Qualitative Research Methodology
  •  Quantitative Research Methodology

Module 5 – Comprehensive Assessment: You will develop a list of articles related to your thesis research domain and topic for approval by the program director and Dean. You will read and write answers to several questions about the content of the articles and how they help and support your thesis. The objective is to ensure you have mastered the area’s foundational knowledge
and research practices.

Module 6 – Research Proposal & Defense – The Ph.D. Proposal Defense consists of a written part and an oral presentation to an examination panel.
The presentation comprises an introduction, a problem statement, the objectives of the research and approach, a concise literature review, research methods, the expected results, a timeline of the work, and a bibliography of the essential literature. The proposal must be between 15 to 20 pages (12pt font). The proposal must presented to the panel during a one-hour defense. The student should plan a 30-minute presentation of the research plan and expected results.

Module 7 – Doctoral Project –This module comprises doctoral project design and execution. It provides an opportunity for the doctoral student to demonstrate their ability to conduct doctoral research and solve problems in
the real world. Each CEO works with a supervisor to complete a unique applied research project that contributes to advancing knowledge and understanding of practice in the public sector. This project can take the form of a thesis. Candidates complete this project under the guidance of their thesis supervisor. The dissertation should advance practice in your chosen discipline, business and management scholarship. Alternatively, participants can present a leadership project critical concern to them as public sector leaders. The project involves an analysis and critique of personal leadership experiences and a supporting portfolio of evidence. Participants will work with a real-world organization to solve a real world problem that represents a significant challenge to the organization.

  • Thesis Project 1: Chapters 1 and 2
  • Thesis Project 2: Chapters 3 and 4 and data collection
  • Thesis Project 3: Chapter 5 and thesis completion

Module 8 – Teaching & Publishing: This module will familiarize participants with the teaching pedagogy, culture, and environment. Participants understand what makes great University teachers and develop practical teaching skills. Participants understand the fundamentals of course development and delivery, gain valuable insight into the student learning process, understand the implications of assurance of learning in the classroom, and how to teach effectively at the tertiary level.

  •  Academic & Managerial Writing
  • Pedagogy of Teaching
  • Teaching Practicum
Program Certifications
  • Doctor of Public Sector Innovation & Leadership (DPSIL)
  • Global Public Sector Leaders Immersion Program Certificate
  • Master of Public Sector Innovation & Leadership (optional)
Program Fees
  • Program Application fee: $150.00
  • Doctorate Degree Program Fees – TBC
    This fee covers tuition, course materials, supervisor fees, faculty amenities, research fellow support, thesis writing workshops, catering during on-campus lectures, and faculty amenities.
  • Thesis proofreading and formatting fee (optional)
  • Thesis External Examination and Public Defence by at least two external examiners fee.

Global Public Sector Leaders Immersion Program Fee (TBC)

  • At least one study tour to Europe or the USA during the program involves in-class seminars and workshops by public sector leaders and local faculty, site visits, networking and group activities, and in program meals. The fee excludes accommodation, airfare, and visa fees.
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