Professor Samuel Aryee

NIBS doctoral school in Ghana

Professor Samuel Aryee

Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

Samuel (Sam) Aryee joined Surrey Business School in November 2016 as Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. He earned his PhD and MA from McMaster University and BA (Hons) from University of Ghana, Legon. Prior to joining SBS, Sam held faculty positions in East Asia at the National University of Singapore and Hong Kong Baptist University and in the UK, at Aston University and King’s College London. Sam served as Director of the Doctoral Programme at both Aston Business School and KCL’s School of Management and Business. He is currently Director of the Doctoral Programme at SBS. Sam’s areas of research interest include Strategic Human Resource Management, Services Management, Organizational Justice, Workplace Trust, Work-Family Interface, and Workplace Safety. He conducts research in these areas in cross-cultural contexts. Sam’s research findings have been published in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Human Relations, and Journal of Organizational Behavior, among others. Sam was for several years Associate Editor of Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Human Relations, and served/serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and Management and Organization Review.

He earned his PhD and MA from McMaster University and BA (Hons) from University of Ghana, Legon. Prior to joining SBS, Sam held faculty positions in East Asia at the National University of Singapore and Hong Kong Baptist University and in the UK, at Aston University and King's College London.

S Aryee, F Walumbwa, R Mondejar, CWL Chu (2017)Core Self-Evaluations and Employee Voice Behavior: Test of a Dual-Motivational Pathway, In: Journal of Management43(3)pp. 946-966 Sage Journals


S Aryee, FO Walumbwa, EYM Seidu, LE Otaye (2016)Developing and leveraging human capital resource to promote service quality: Testing a theory of performance, In: Journal of Management42(2)pp. 480-499 Sage


Samuel Aryee, F Walumbwa, R Mondejar, Chris W. L. Chu (2015)Accounting for the Influence of Overall Justice on Job Performance: Integrating Self-Determination and Social Exchange Theories, In: Journal of Management Studies52(2)pp. 231-252 Wiley


S Aryee, EYM Seidu, CA Sacramento, I Martinaityte (2015)Proactive Customer Service Performance: Test of a Team-Level Model, In: The Academy of Management Annual Meeting ProceedingsJanuar((Meeti)


S Aryee, HY Jo, HH Hsiung (2015)Understanding the influence of abusive supervision on customer-focused voice, In: The Academy of Management Annual Meeting ProceedingsJanuar((Meeti)


I Martinaityte, CA Sacramento, S Aryee (2015)Human resource practices and customer satisfaction: Test of a multilevel model, In: The Academy of Management Annual Meeting ProceedingsJanuar((Meeti)


S Aryee (2013)Person-organization fit and employee outcomes: Test of a social exchange model, In: International Journal of Human Resource Management24(19)pp. 3719-3737 Taylor & Francis


S Aryee, CWL Chu, TY Kim, K Ryu (2013)Family Supportive Work Environment and Employee Work Behaviors: An Investigation of Mediating Mechanisms., In: Journal of Management39(3)pp. 792-813 Sage Publications


S Aryee, FO Walumbwa, EYM Seidu, LE Otaye (2012)Impact of high-performance work systems on individual-and branch-level performance: Test of a multilevel model of intermediate linkages, In: Journal of Applied Psychology97(2)pp. 287-300 American Psychological Association